Contact Us

Mailing Address:

General Business
Cynthia Dubeau, SR/WA
110 Laurier Avenue West, 5th Floor West
Ottawa ON K1P 1J1
Phone (613) 808-4430

Financial Business
James Hardy, SR/WA

CRWEF President:
Nancy Sinclair, SR/WA

Brian Taylor, SR/WA

Cynthia Dubeau, SR/WA

Board of Directors:
Nancy Sinclair, SR/WA
Brian Taylor, SR/WA
James Hardy, SR/WA
Cynthia Dubeau, SR/WA
Keith Turner, SR/WA
Jay Wong, SR/WA
Vicki Green, SR/WA
Kim Millar, SR/WA

Past President:
Shannon Favaro, SR/WA

L to R: Vicki Green, Nancy Sinclair, Brian Taylor, Crystal Greenlay, James Hardy, Kim Millar, Jay Wong

Contact us using the form below

Contact Us