Our History
Since 2007 the CRWEF has broadened its scope of support to include individuals and groups outside the IRWA membership that are affiliated with the field of public infrastructure. A financial contribution was made in support of a revision to the Canadian Surveyors’ ” Survey Law in Canada.” In 2009, on the 30th anniversary of the CRWEF, a High School Graduate Scholarship program was created providing an annual award to deserving students entering post secondary education in any discipline related to right of way or infrastructure.
Since then the CRWEF has supported new opportunities and methods for education course and delivery, such as online courses, leadership training and VIET technology, (Video Enabled Integrated Technology).
In 2014, on the 35th anniversary of the CRWEF, the Foundation introduced new opportunities for education and professional development opportunities such as sponsoring new course materials, video presentations, networking events and seminars or other education-based objectives that will generate professional growth and skill development.
In 2023 a Canadian IRWA member focused scholarship was introduced in support of members seeking professional designations through the International Right of Way Association. Additionally significant sponsorship was provided to the IRWA for course updates and Canadian based course materials.